Sam's Laser FAQ, Copyright © 1994-2007,
Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved.
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References on Laser Principles, Technology, Construction, Applications
The following are listed in no particular order and thus their position in
this list does not represent any sort of rating - good, bad, or in between!
See the specific comments under selected titles for recommendations.
Note that some of these titles are quite old - truly vintage - and may be of
interest more for collectible value than anything else. However, it is quite
remarkable how much was actually known about the physics and technology of
lasers only a couple of years after their invention!
- The Laser Cookbook: 88 Practical Projects
Gordon McComb
TAB Books Inc, 1988
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-8306-9390-4 (paperback)
This inexpensive ($21.95) book contains a wealth of interesting projects
that can be performed with diode and helium-neon lasers. These projects
range from interferometers, to communications, to fiberoptics, to
holography, to light shows. Something for everyone. There are a few
small technical errors but nothing that reading Sam's Laser FAQ won't
correct. :)
There is now a new edition with a new title. Aside from the goofy title,
it sounds like an updated version of a very good book:
Lasers, Ray Guns, & Light Cannons: Projects from the Wizard's Workbench
McComb, Gordon
McGraw Hill, 1997
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-0704-5035-8
Table of Contents:
- Introduction to Lasers
- Working with Lasers
- Introduction to Optics
- Experimenting with Light & Optics
- All About Helium-Neon Lasers
- Build a HeNe Laser
- Constructing an Optical Bench
- Laser Optics Experiments
- Build a Michelson Interferometer
- Introduction to Semiconductor Lasers
- Laser Power Supplies; Build an Experimenter's Power Supply
- Free-Air Laser Light Communications
- Advanced Projects in Laser Communication
- Lasers & Fiberoptics
- Experiments in Laser Seismology
- Beginning Holography
- Advanced Holography
- Basic Laser Light Shows
- Advanced Laser Light Shows
- Building Laser "Ray Guns" & Light Cannons
- Tools & Supplies for Laser Experimentation
- Buying Laser Parts
- Controlling Laser Beams with Your Computer.
- Build your own Laser, Phaser, Ion Ray Gun & Other Working Space Age
Robert E. Iannini
TAB Books, a division of McGraw Hill, 1983
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-8306-0204-6, ISBN: 0-8306-0604-1 (paperback)
This includes plans for a HeNe laser power supply as well as complete
ruby/Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers and other interesting stuff. (The laser
projects are almost identical to those in [3], below.)
- Build your own working Fiberoptic, Infrared, & Laser Space-Age Projects
Robert E. Iannini
TAB books, a division of McGraw-Hill, 1987
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-8306-2724-3
This includes plans for two HeNe laser power supplies as well as complete
ruby/Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers and other interesting stuff. (The laser
projects are almost identical to those in [2], above.)
- Scientific American, major articles and in particular, the monthly column,
"The Amateur Scientist". The most relevant time period will be 1960 to
1980 but there has been more recent laser and related material. The most
convenient source is [5], below.
- Light and its Uses, (readings from Scientific American) C. L. Strong's
"The Amateur Scientist" with introductions by Jeral Walker.
W. H. Freeman And Co., articles copyright 1952 to 1980
ISBN: 0-7167-1184-2, ISBN: 0-7167-1185-0 (paperback)
Extensive information on how to build lasers and how to use them, as well
as info on building laser instruments (including several interferometers
and spectrographs) and making holograms of various types (optical,
microwave, acoustic). All of John Strong's (genius experimentalist) and
Jeral Walker's columns on photonic devices are in this absolutely fabulous
collection. See the section: Light and its
Uses - Complete Table of Contents for a complete list of articles.
The book describes the construction of several types of lasers by amateurs
including HeNe, argon ion, dye, CO2, and nitrogen - all from scratch
(e.g., the HeNe and argon lasers require glassworking to fabricate the
plasma tube.) It is not for the absolute beginner but suitable for anyone
who has some considerable hobbyist type experience with electronics and/or
Note: To actually construct most of these projects requires a fair degree
of skill and determination; access to some machining, glassworking, and/or
high vacuum facilities; a source of electronic, optical, and mechanical
components; and a stock of chemicals and other materials. However, much
of this can be provided without the assets of a major R&D laboratory but
will require improvisation. Nonetheless, the book makes for some very
interesting and educational reading even if you are not going to be
building anything. See the chapters starting with
Amateur Laser Construction for more info on
how to get started in home-built lasers.
- Various Laser Handbooks from CRC Press. Go to
CRC Press and take the links to
"Physics", then "Lasers, Optics, and Optoelectronics".
These will set you back a bit in the $$$ department if you
insist on ordering them for your private
collection, but will include just about everything you ever
wanted (or didn't want) to know about all sorts of serious laser science
and technology topics. They should have what you need to be able to answer
questions like: "Will a mixture of hydrogen and plutonium lase? What are its
wavelengths and gain?" and other burning (no pun...) questions that keep you
up at night! Yet more guaranteed cures for insomnia - check out your local
university library today!
- Nuts and Volts magazine has a monthly column called "Laser Insight" which
covers all sorts of topics from holography to building a ruby laser.
- Some older issues of Popular Electronics and Radio Electronics have
articles on how to use HeNe lasers and power supplies for them (maybe
1980 to 1989).
- Forrest Mims' Circuit Scrapbook II
Forrest Mims
Howard Sams & Co., 1987
This book is out of print but available at some libraries. It provides
various driver circuits and a miniature laser + driver + battery built
into a very small package.
Forrest Mims has also written a number of articles on how to use and build
lasers. He is also an occasional contributor to the USENET newsgroups
including those on the sci.electronics hierarchy.
- The Laser Book - A New Technology of Light
Clifford L. Lawrence
Prentice Hall Press, 1986
A division of Simon and Schuster
New York, NY 10023
ISBN: 0-13-523622-3
This book includes descriptions of many common lasers, construction, and
- Lasers and their Applications
Kurt R. Stehling
The World Publishing Company, 1966
Cleveland and New York
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 66-18464
- Introduction to Laser Physics
Bela A. Lengyel
John Wyley and Sons, Inc., 1966
New York, London, Sydney
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 65-27659
If you always wanted to really understand terms like population inversion,
hyperfine transitions, and quantum efficiency, this old but solid book is
for you. Be prepared for some heavy math. However, it does include some
practical aspects of laser construction as well.
- Introduction to Laser Physics
K. Shimoda
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo, 1986
ISBN: 3-387-16713-7 (2nd edition), ISBN: 0-387-13430-1 (1st edition)
More heavy math, less practical information than [10].
- The Fiberoptics and Laser Handbook
Edward L. Safford, Jr.
TAB books, a division of McGraw-Hill, 1984
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-8306-671-8, 0-8306-1671-3 (paperback)
Coverage of optical fibers, lenses, lasers, applications. A potpourri of
topics, some rather sporadic but interesting nonetheless. Just take any
circuits with a grain of silicon (if you look at Figure 7.2 you will know
what I mean!).
- Understanding Lasers
Jeff Hecht
Howard W. Sams & Company, 1988
ISBN: 0-672-27274-1
Includes basic laser theory, descriptions of various types of lasers,
some applications.
- Lasers - The New Technology of Light
Charlene W. Billings
Facts on File, Inc., 1992
460 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
ISBN: 0-8160-2630-0
Introduction to lasers with emphasis on applications.
- Laser Experimenter's Handbook, 2nd Edition
Delton T. Horn
TAB books, a division of McGraw-Hill, 1988
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-8306-9115-4, 0-8306-3115-1 (paperback)
Much useful information but the only actual projects uses an IR laser
diode to construct a simple communication link. And, their pathetic
attempt at a laser diode driver circuit is amusing to say the least!
(Hint: the design cannot possibly work as described.)
- Wedding Lasers to Power Supplies
Photonics Spectra, June 1982
This is a nice article on general power supply considerations for HeNe
and (small sealed) CO2 lasers.
- The Bell Jar - Vacuum Technique
for the Amateur is a collection of information as well as a
newsletter on high vacuum technology for
amateurs which sometimes includes laser information. A vacuum system will
be required if you are interested in constructing your own gas laser from
scratch. Articles are archived at their web site
- Some of the earlier columns of "The Laser Experimenter" (1995) went into
detail on how to make light shows, and how to construct the power supplies
for the HeNe type of lasers.
- The March 1989 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine has plans for a HeNe
power supply running on 12 VDC using a 555 timer chip and two transistors,
a relay, and a 12 V to 280 V step-up transformer.
- The Blue Laser Diode - Gallium-Nitride based Light Emitters and Laser
Shuji Nakamura and Gerhard Fasol
Springer-Verlag, Spring 1997
ISBN: 3-540-61590-3
- Laser: Super Tool of the 1980s
Jeff Hecht and Dick Teresi
Ticknor and Fields, New Haven and New York, 1982
ISBN: 0-89919-08209
Basic principles, types of lasers, applications.
- Lasers, Ray Guns, & Light Cannons: Projects from the Wizard's Workbench
Gordon McComb
McGraw-Hill, 1997
300 Water Street, Whitby, Ontario
ISBN: 0-07-045035-8
- Lasers
Anthony E. Siegman
University Science Books, May 1986
ISBN: 0-935-70211-3
- Laser Physics
Sargent, Scully, and Lamb
- Lasers: Tools of Modern Technology
Ronald Brown
Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1968
Garden City, New York
- Lasers and Holography: An Introduction to Coherent Optics
Winston K. Kock
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
First edition: 1969, second enlarged edition: 1981
Garden City, New York
- ABCs of Lasers and Masers
Allan Lytel
Howard W. Sams & Company, 2nd printing, 1963
- ABCs of Lasers
Allan Lytel
Howard W. Sams & Company, 1966
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-24554
- Solid State Laser Engineering, 4th edition
Walter Koechner
Springer-Verlag, 1999
ISBN: 3-540-60237-2
They have chapters on many aspects of solid state laser system design
including pulse forming networks for flashlamp systems. Latest edition
has substantial material on DPSS lasers as well. The 1st through 3rd
editions are well worth having as well since there is some information
in earlier editions that has been dropped from later ones.
- Various Literature on Flash Lamps
EG&G (now Perkin Elmer), Heraeus Noblelight, ILC, and others
See the section: Flashlamp and Arc Lamp
Manufacturers and References.
- American Journal of Physics
- The Review of Scientific
Instruments, a journal dedicated to those do it yourselfers in research,
that often has quite cheaply built and ingenious designs for some rather
complex physics and chemical apparatus for hard scientists. The on-line
version requires a subscription but you may be able to find it in print or
gain access via a university library.
- Gas Laser Technology
Doublas C. Sinclair and Earl Bell
Optics and Spectroscopy Series
Sumner-Davis consulting editor
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969
ISBN: 03-075385-6
- Laser Electronics, 3rd edition
Joseph T. Verdeyen
Prentice Hall, 1994
ISBN: 0-13706-666-X
- The Holography Handbook: Making Holograms the Easy Way
Fred Unterseher, F. Ross (Editor), B. Kluepfel (Editor)
Ross Books, June 1996 (also an earlier edition, 1982)
ISBN: 0-89496-016-4
This is a very well written and easy to understand book on the practical
aspects of creating outstanding holograms at home.
The following may be the earlier edition:
The Holography Handbook
Fred Unterseher, Jeannene Hansen, and Bob Schlesinger
Ross Books
ISBN: 0-89496-057-1
- Laser Fundamentals
William Silfast
ISBN: 0-521-55617-1
- CO2 Lasers: Effects and Applications
W. W. Duley, 1976
- The Laser Guidebook, 2nd Edition
Jeff Hecht
Tab Books, 1992
ISBN: 0-830-64274-9 (paperback)
This book gives a fair amount of information on just about every type of
laser ever invented or commercialized. Not a lot of details but all the
basic characteristics are covered.
- Principles of Lasers, 4th Edition
Orazio Svelto (Editor), David C. Hanna (Translator)
Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1998
ISBN: 0-306-45748-2
This text, which empansizes the physics of lasers over the mathematics,
includes many examples, tables, end-of-chapter problems with solutions
provided, along with 250 illustrations. It is suitable for advanced level
- Understanding Lasers
Stan Gibilisco
- Homemade Holograms: The Complete Guide to Inexpensive, Do-It-Yourself
John Iovine
Tab Books, 1990
ISBN: 0-830-63460-6
- The Total Laser Book
Thomas C. Altman
- The Laser in America, 1950-1970
Joan Lisa Bromberg
The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1991
ISBN: 0-262-02318-0
Interesting and very readable treatment of the people and developments
(mainly the MASER) that laid the foundation for the invention of the laser
followed by the frenetic pace of laser research and commercialization in
the 1960s (the bulk of the book).
- What is a Laser?, 1st Edition
Bruce Lewis. Pictures by Tom Huffman
Dodd, Mead and Company, 1979
Introductory level, perhaps intended for kids.
- Lasers: Generation of Light By Stimulated Emission
Bela A. Lengyel
John Wiley & Sons, 1964
- Physics and Technology of Laser Resonators
D. Hall and P. Jackson (Editors)
Adam Hilger, 1989
ISBN: 0-852-74117-0
- Optics, 3rd Edition
Eugene Hecht, Alfred Zajac, Karen Guardino (Editor)
Addison-Wesley, August 1997
ISBN: 0-201-83887-7
- Laser Fundamentals
W. T. Silfast
Cambridge University Press, 1996
ISBN: 0-5215-5424-1, 0-5215-5617-1 (paperback)
- Principles and Practice of Laser Technology, 1st Edition
Hrand M. Muncheryan
Tab Books, 1983
ISBN: 0-6722-1588-8
- Laser and Optoelectronic Engineering (Series in Electrical Engineering)
Hrand M. Muncheryan
Hemisphere, 1991
ISBN: 1-5603-2062-1
- Laser Fundamentals and Applications
Hrand M. Muncheryan
ISBN: 0-6722-1130-0 (paperback)
- Masers and Lasers, 1st edition
H. Arthur Klein, illustrated by Frank Aloise
J. P. Lippincott, 1963, revised: 1971
- Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics, and Laser Cookbook
Thomas Petruzzellis
McGraw-Hill, May 1997
ISBN: 0-0704-9839-3, 0-0704-9840-7 (paperback)
- Semiconductor Diode Lasers
Streifer and Ettenberg
IEEE Press, 1991
ISBN: 0-87942-261-0
- Laser Light
Herman Schneider, illustrated by Radu Vero
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978
- Masers and Lasers: How They Work, What They Do
M. Brotherton
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964
- Lasers
George R Harrison
Franklin Watts, Inc., 1971
- Gas Lasers
C. G. B. Garrett
McGraw Hill, 1967
- Laser Technology
Hrand M. Muncheryan
Howard Sams, 1979
- Fundamentals of Photonics
B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, (Edited by J. W. Goodman)
Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics
John Wiley and Sons, 1991
ISBN: 0-471-83965-5
- Principles of Holography, 2nd edition
Howard M. Smith
John Wiley and Sons, 1975
- Industrial Applications of Lasers
Edited by Hans Koebner
Wiley-Interscience, 1984
- Lasers
Peter W. Milonni and Joseph H. Eberly
John Wiley and Sons, 1988
ISBN: 0-471-62731-3
- Lasers and Optical Engineering
P. Das
Springer-Verlag, 1991
- Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits
Wiley Series in Microwave and Opitcal Engineering
Coldren Corzine
John Wiley & Sons, 1995
- Tunable Lasers Handbook
Edited by F. J. Duarte
ISBN: 0-12-222695-X
- Laser and Electro-optics Fundamentals and Engineering
Christopher C. Davis
ISBN: 0-521-48403-0
- Molecular Gas Lasers, Physics and Applications
Edited by E. P. Velikhov
MIR of Moscow, 1981
- The handbook of Lasers
Marvin J. Webber
- The handbook of Laser Wavelengths
Marvin J. Webber
- Lasers
Hal Hellman
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Devision of Technical Information,
Understanding the Atom Series, 1969
- The Laser Experimenter's Handbook
Frank McAleese
TAB Books, 1981
- Gas Lasers
A. L. Bloom
John Wiley & Sons, 1968
- Lasers and Applications
W. S. C. Chang (Ed.)
Ohio State University, 1963
- Understanding Lasers and Masers
Stanley Leinwoll
John F. Rider Publisher, New York, 1965
- Laser Clinic
Skip Campisi
Poptronics, June 2001
Power supply circuits for an HeNe laser tube and 4 difrerent laser diodes.
- Light, Lasers, and Optics
John H. Mauldin
TAB books, a division of McGraw-Hill, 1988
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
ISBN: 0-8306-9338-6
- A Look Inside Lasers
Jim Johnson
- Lasers - Laser Activities for the Classroom
Harold P. Woods, Joseph R. Verboys, and George A. Evans
- How to Build a Low-Cost Laser
Ronald M. Benrey
Hayden Publishing, 1974
- The Laser - Light That Never Was Before
Ben Patrusky
Dodd, Mead and Company, New York, 1966
- The Applications of Holography
H. J. Caulfield and Sun Lu
Wiley Interscience, 1970
- Atomic Light Lasers - What they are and how they work
Richard Nehrich
Sterling Publishing, 1967
- Lasers, The Light Fantastic, A complete course in modern laser
Clayton L. Hallmark
Tab Books, 1981
- Lasers - Harnessing the Atom's Light
James P. Harbison and Robert E. Nahory
Scientific American, 1998
- Lasers - Operation, Equipment, Application and Design
The Engineering Staff of Coherent, Inc., 1980
- Understanding Laser Technology: An Intuitive Introduction to Basic and
Advanced Laser Concepts
C. Breck Hitz
PennWell Books, 1985
- Lasers - What They Do and How They Work
Usborne New Technology, 1984
- Atomic Physics of Lasers
Derek Eastham
Taylor and Francis, 1986
ISBN: 0-85066-343-1
- Lasers and Light - Readings from Scientific American
Introduction by Arthur L. Schawlow
Scientific American
- Semiconductor Diode Lasers, 1st edition
Ralph W. Campbell and Forrest M Mims III
- Molecular Gas Lasers: Physics and Applications
E. P. Velikhov (editor)
Mir (Moscow), 1981
- Lasers, Light Amplifiers and Oscillators
Dieter Ross
Academic Press, 1969
- The Amazing Laser
A Franklin Institute Book, 1971
- Laser Engineering
Kelin J. Kuhn
- High Power Lasers and Applications
K. L. Kompa and H. Walther (editors)
Springer-Verlag, 1978
- How to Build a Low-Cost Laser
Ronald N. Benrey
Hayden Book Company, Inc.
- Lasers - The Miracle Light
Larry Kettelkamp
- Understanding Science - Lasers
Warwick Press, 1982
- The Inside Story - Lasers
Charles De Vere, 1984
- High Energy Lasers and Their Applications
Steven Jacobs, Murray Sargent III, Marlan O. Scully
Addison-Wesley, 1974
- Science in Action - Lasers
William Burroughs
- Lasers, Light Amplifiers, and Oscillators
Dieter Rvss
Academic Press, 1969
- Lasers: Principles and Applications
J. Wilson and J.F.B. Hawkes
Prentice Hall International series in optoelectronics
Perntice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-523697-5 (paperback)
- Elements of Maser Theory
Arthur A. Vuylsteke (Physics Department of General Motors), 1960
This one is pre-laser!
- Introduction to Optics and Lasers in Engineering
Gabriel Laufer
Cambridge University Press, 1996
- Optical Electronics, 3rd edition
Amnon Yariv (California Institute of Technology)
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985
- Optics and Lasers Including Fibers and Optical Waveguides
M. Young
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986
- Laser Physics
L. V. Tarasov
Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1983
- Physics of Semiconductor Laser Devices
G. H. B. Thompson
John Wiley, 1980
- Free Electron Lasers
S. Martellucci and A. N. Chester (editors)
Plenum Press, 1983
- Understanding Holography, Second Edition
Michael Wenyon
Arco Publishing, Inc., 1985
- The Engineering Uses of Holography
Elliot R. Robertson and James M. Harvery (editors)
Cambridge University Press, 1970
- Coherent Light
A. F. Harvey
John Wiley, 1970
- The Essense of Optoelectronics
Kathryn Booth and Steven Hill
- Introduction to Laser Diode-Pumped Solid State Lasers
Richard Scheps
- Exploring Laser Light
T. Kallard
Optosonic Press, 1977
American Association of Physics Teachers (second printing), 1982
ISBN: 0-87739-004-5
Library of Congress catalog card number: 70-160227
- Beam: The Race to Make The Laser
Jeff Hecht
Oxford University Press, due out March 2005
ISBN: 0-195142101
- Laser in Industry
Edited by S. S. Charschan, part of the Western Electric Series.
- Metal Vapour Ion Lasers: Kinetic Processes and Gas Discharges
I.G. Ivanov, E.L. Latush, M.F. Sem, and D.N. Astadjov (Translator)
ISBN: 0-471955639
- Building Scientific Apparatus - A Practical Guide to Design and
John H. Moore, Christopher C. Davis, and Michael A. Coplan
Addison-Wesley, 1983
- Gas Lasers
C. C. B. Garret
McGraw-Hill, 1967
- A Guide to the Laser
Edited by David Fishlock
American Elsevier, 1967, 1st Edition
- The story of the Laser
John Carroll
Scientific Book Club, 1st Edition
- Lasers and Masers
Howard Sams, 1967
You may be able to find many of these items in a large public or university
library. The old issues of magazines are often on microfilm or microfiche.
Older books like "Light and its Uses" [5] may be locked away in the dungeons
of the library's archives so you may have to ask for them.
There are several 'trade rags' for the laser and optics industry. Although
advertising-heavy like those for electronics and other fields, they do have
many interesting cutting edge articles of interest to hobbyists,
experimenters, and researchers alike. It should be possible to obtain a free
subscription if you are either a student or can convince them that you might
be in a position to buy or recommend laser and/or optics related products.
Even if your business or 'official' occupation has nothing to do with lasers,
it won't hurt to try for a subscription.
Most of these publications also feature an email service to keep you informed
of the latest hot industry news with links to associated on-line articles.
You can generally subscribe to these with even fewer or no questions asked as
long as you have an email address.
Two of the major players are probably
Photonics Spectra and
Laser Focus World.
For additional possibilities, see the section:
Laser Related Publications.
Occasionally, there may be a bonus issue like the telephone book thickness
"2000 Buyers Guide" from Laser Focus World or the full color spectrum (and
other laser info) wall chart found in the August, 2000 issue of Photonics
Spectra (that is, if your office mate didn't beat you to it!).
Subscriptions to both the publication and email news service are available
via their Web sites.
A great deal of general information is publicly available in the form of U.S.
(and foreign) patents. With the modern computer age, searching for any and
all types of information is possible via a number of patent database web
sites. Many of these charge for full access but some are still free.
In the good old days (say 4 years ago), IBM had a patent database Web site
which included complete text and graphics for patents covering most of the
years relevant to lasers and it was totally free. That was then taken over
by another organization (I refuse to help with their cash flow by naming
them) resulting in a blitz of banner ads. Now, with the crash of the
.bom, oops, .com bubble, they are charging for graphics downloads via
subscription (text was still free last time I checked). (Should by any
chance someone from that unnamed company read this, I have no problem
with charging for regular commercial use of a patent database. However,
for the private individual
who browses occasional patents to satisfy their curiosity rather than
commercial gain, I think that the best approach would be to allow limited
free access to the graphics - say 30 patents/month. This would cost you
nothing and would generate good will and recommendations rather than abuse.
And I wouldn't have removed 37 links to your service from my Web site!)
For now, the US Patent
& Trademark Office has the most advanced search capabilities
of Web sites with free access. Access and download is free (your
tax dollars at work!) and should remain so. They have complete
text and graphics but require that your browser has a late model
TIFF reader plug-in. It must
be able to display TIFF files using ITU T.6 or CCITT
Group 4 (G4) compression. See their:
Patent Full-Page Images
Help Page for information on system requirements and recommended plug-ins.
The one annoying thing is that pages can be saved or printed only one at
a time.
Patents may be located by number, subject, inventor, (and other fields),
or boolean text, as well as more advanced criteria. All patents referenced by
a particular patent as well as all patents which reference that patent may be
instantly located. The complete patent documents including diagrams are
available at this web site for download. Copies may also be ordered (for
a small fee).
Searching on the keyword 'laser' will turn up too many patents to consider.
However, narrowing this with 'semiconductor' or 'driver' will restrict the
search enough to home in on patents of interest. There will still be many
that are likely to be of interest - you can spend days (or longer) at this!
Where the patent number is known (or can be found by searching the USPTO Web
site, above), more convenient alternatives for accessing the complete patent
Patents including all text and graphics may be downloaded and saved or
printed as multipage (single) PDF documents in addition to TIFF images
(individual pages or complete documents in some cases). These may
actually be the same source as there are many similarities in their behavior.
Of course, it is also possible to search for patents the old fashioned way at
your local large public library or by browsing the main patent office stacks
in Washington, DC. However, these sorts of methods seam terribly archaic in
comparison to the use of a modern patent database engine.
Back to Laser Information Resources Sub-Table of Contents.
Newsgroups, Discussion Groups and Technical Forums, Listservers
USENET newsgroups are public bulletin board-like forums for discussions of any
sort of topic under the Sun (and beyond). There are over 20,000 active
newsgroups in the USA alone and more are being created every microsecond.
I know of two newsgroups most suitable for discussion of laser related topics:
Generally, sci.optics is to be preferred as it attracts many serious and
knowledgeable participants. However, quite often, questions may appear
only on alt.lasers. There are many others that may be of interest including, sci.optics.fiber, those in the sci.electronics and
sci.physics hierarchies, and more. Check with your ISP to determine what
is available - it may be possible to request they add specific groups.
As with any type of discussion group, listen before you dive in. Get a feel
for the types of questions that are typical and do not post a reply unless
you are fairly confident of your answer! Basic questions are acceptable but
it is proper etiquette to first attempt to locate the answer by checking past
postings by searching at Google
Groups (formerly or one of the other public USENET
A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document also exists for sci.optics. The
FAQ may already have answered your question as well.
If you don't know how to access USENET newsgroups, check with your ISP
(Internet Service Provider - maybe it's even in the user manual - what a
concept!), or your local system administrator or network guru. Usually News
access is via the software provided by your ISP, from within your Web browser
(e.g., Netscape or Internet Explorer), through the use of a special News
utility, or from within other programs like GNUS EMACS. Some initial
configuration will have to be done to identify the NNTP (Network News Transfer
Protocol) server (your newsfeed) to whatever software you are using - this is
site specific - your ISP or keeper of the magic will know. :)
These are basically private newsgroups and accessible through a Web link
rather than the normal USENET protocol. In some cases, posting (but not
reading) may be possible by sending email to a specific address. Some may
require registration but there is no charge. In general, I do not see any
really compelling reason to use this approach when appropriate USENET
newsgroups exist - as they do for laser science, technology, and applications
with alt.lasers and
sci.optics. The laser community is not
that large as to justify a multitude of discussion groups and there is
only so much time in the day to check them. Having a single newsgroup
also has more fundamental benefits in providing a broader range of
topics of general interest with input coming from people with diverse
backgrounds. I've seen people put a great deal of time and effort into
setting up a really nice set of discussion groups along with other
services only to have them whither away and die due to lack of traffic.
And what usually happens is that to cover all bases, people will post
to alt.lasers as well anyhow!
For other laser light show discussion groups, check out the links in the
section: Laser (Email) Listservers.
(There may also be chatrooms included here since chatrooms are sort of like
real-time discussion groups.) The main reason some of the forums and
chatrooms exist is to get people to go the commercial sites of those who
started them (via advertisements, gyrating links, etc.). Not surprisingly,
the traffic on most of these is minimal.
- Laser Forums
is a resource for people working with display and cutting/marking systems.
It currently has forums for topics in CO2 lasers, YAG and fiber lasers,
software, projects, the industry, and general areas.
- I currently know of only one active general laser (strictly engineering,
not entertainment or holography) discussion group. It is hosted by
EIO as part of their laser technical forum.
They have several other technical forums as well including ones on laser light
shows, holography, and other areas of electronics:
Currently the traffic on the EIO forums is very low compared to
the USENET newsgroups but they are worth checking from time-to-time.
I consider these essentially dead at this point.
hosts several laser related discussion groups including those for laser
shows and technical issues. These seem to be moderately active, at least
compared to most of the others!
- There is a group for info on laser repair, support for current
and "obsolete" lasers, problems, part sources, etc.:
Currently, traffic is next to nonexistent but who knows?
- There is also one strictly for ruby lasers at:
But there appear to have been no postings after 2003.
Other public discussion group sites like
Yahoo Groups (formerly eGroups) may be
worth checking as well. Searching for "lasers" turned up several rather
esoteric laser related forums but nothing of a general nature. However,
there is a new hologrphay forum and now one on laser processing.
- For (mostly) laser show related topics, there is a discussion group
hosted by LaserFX accessible via the
LaserFX - Laser Forums Web Page. (There used to be several forums
but they have been combined due to lack of traffic.)
Of these, the first two are most likely to deal with laser technology,
engineering, construction, and repair. As with the other technical forums,
traffic is relatively low but worth checking and posting with serious
questions since people who are knowledgeable are likely to monitor these
discussion groups.
SPIE - The International Society for Optical
Engineering would probably be considered the predominant photonics
professional organization. They are now hosting a number of technical forums
which can be found at the SPIE
Technical Group Home Page. These are intended to replace their email
discussion groups. The one most relevant to our needs is called "Laser
There are also a number of discussion groups associated with the
International Laser Display Association
(ILDA) which deal with all aspects of laser display and entertainment
including technical, safety, and regulatory issues. Take the link to
"Come join the ILDA Forums".
Another laser show oriented site is
Tele Monster's Laser Show Site which
includes message boards for hobbyist laser show discussions, classifieds,
and technical show discussions.
And one for holography: at
Colin Kaminski's Holography
For topics related to amateur laser construction and other amateur
scientist activities, check out the following:
There may be additional discussion groups and technical forums associated
with specific Web sites not listed above - sorry, I wish I could keep up
with all of them!
Unlike USENET newsgroups which are accessible via most on-line services and
ISPs, listservers are email discussion groups which must be subscribed to
usually by sending a special email message to the listserver host. Depending
on the charter, these may be available to everyone but some are restricted.
Once subscribed, all email sent to a specified address is distributed to all
users of the listserver group. Thus, you can elect to participate in any or
all discussions, or simply just monitor the traffic for your own interest or
research. As with USENET newsgroups, don't jump into a discussion without
having an idea of the context - what has already transpired and then only if
you have a valid question or can contribute in a knowledgeable way to the
You can find a large number of totally public lists at - Lists but
this site has few, if any, related to our types of laser discussions
(unless you are interested in laser eye surgery). But never fear, there *are*
others available.
The following are some general laser listservers with information on the
charters and how to subscribe:
- The Lasers List hosted by
This list is dedicated to all aspects of lasers from home construction to
light show hardware and software. Join by sending email to with "subscribe lasers your_email_address" (without
the "". Your email address may be omitted if it is the one your are using
to send the request) in the body of the message.
- Laser Reflector
(Amateur radio laser communications).
Anyone with an interest in laser communications is welcome to join. You don't
need to be a ham radio operator. See the section:
Amateur Laser Communications for more
Back to Laser Information Resources Sub-Table of Contents.
Laser and Optics Related Links
It is often possible to get a good starting point on finding relevant Web sites
with a simple Net search such as provided by Altavista, Lycos, Yahoo, and many
others. With just a little care with the selection of key words and search
parameters, an assortment of high quality links are often returned on the first
shot. Though, with the wrong search, you may end up with a bunch of junk! :)
Some of the search engines will also suggest additional lists of sites with
similar technology (sometimes they are even relevant to your interests!).
USENET newsgroup postings for the last several years can also be searched via
Google Groups (formerly While there are other public USENET archives, although
the name keeps changing, Google Groups probably has the largest and most
reliable newsgroup coverage and goes back the farthest (to 1995). Thus I see
little reason to use other archives which may come and go and provide more
sporatic coverage.
Private discussion groups and technical forums often have searchable archives
as well. See the section: Newsgroups,
Discussion Groups and Technical Forums, Listservers
The sections that follow provide links to many other laser related sites with
the first of these being a Webring currently under development. This should
be of particular interest to the hobbyist and experimenter.
Several hundred links have been accumulated over time from various USENET
newsgroups, other discussion groups and technical forums, Net searches, links
found at other Web sites, and private email. They are loosely grouped by the
type of information provided but are otherwise only in somewhat more-or-less
alphabetical order.
(Also see: Sam's
Neat, Nifty, and Handy Bookmarks for additional Web site listings.)
A Webring is a collection of related sites linked by a virtual hub
maintained by Webring.Org. This should
facilitate convenient navigation among them and minimize the overhead in
maintaining HTML links at multiple locations as sites come and go or change
their URLs.
The Laser, Optics, and Holography Ring brings together Websites that either
are about lasers, optics and holography, or contain information in related
areas. It was developed, and is owned and managed by Flavio Spedalieri
( of
Nightlase Technologies.
Note: The links that used to be in this document have been removed since
attempting to maintain two sets of nearly identical links (here and in my
bookmark file), many with short half-lives, became unbearable. Therefore,
please go to the "Lasers/Optics Site/Information" sections of
Sam's Neat, Nifty, and
Handy Bookmarks.
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Sam's Laser FAQ, Copyright © 1994-2007,
Samuel M. Goldwasser, All Rights Reserved.
I may be contacted via the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ
Email Links Page.