<==== Sam's Laser FAQ ====>

Expanded Table of Contents
HTML, Photos, Diagrams, Schematics
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- This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
- There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.
This Expanded Table of Contents (ToC) provides links to all of the files and
major entry points of Sam's Laser FAQ (Official name: Sam's Laser FAQ - Safety,
Info, Links, Parts, Types, Drive, Construction - A Practical Guide to Lasers
for Experimenters and Hobbyists). This page may be used in place of the normal
ToC, to identify those graphics files which are part of any given chapter, or
simply as a means of just looking at the pretty pictures. :-)
Note 1: There are *zillions* of additional diagrams and schematics included
within the HTML files themselves. Those that are listed here are only the
ones that are in .pdf, .gif, .jpg, or other graphics or compressed format.
Note 2: The links below open up a single new browser window
so the Expanded Table of Contents will remain present, sort of like flexible
frames. Comments, pro or con, welcome.
Note 3: Links to ZIP files with the latest version of the complete
Sam's Laser FAQ may be found in Home and Mirror
Site Locations.
Sam's Laser FAQ Expanded Table of Contents
Mirror Site Info, Local Installation, Expanded ToC
The Most Important Document - Must Read
Welcome Page, Main ToC, Preface, Introduction
PART I - Basics, Safety, General Information, Instruments, Applications,
- What is a Laser and How Does It Work (laserfaq.htm).
- Laser Safety (lasersaf.htm).
- Class I Caution Label - Enclosed Laser (Invisible
Wavelength) (cl1inv1.gif).
- Class I Caution Label - Enclosed Laser (Visible
Wavelength) (cl1vis1.gif).
- Class II Caution Label - Diode Laser, 1 mW Maximum
Output at 635-670 nm (cl2dio1.gif).
- Class II Caution Label - Helium-Neon Laser, 1 mW
Maximum Output at 632.8 nm (cl2hen1.gif).
- Class IIIa Danger Label - Diode Laser, 5 mW Maximum
Output at 670 nm (cl3adio1.gif).
- Class IIIa Danger Label - Helium-Neon Laser, 5 mW
Maximum Output at 632.8 nm (cl3ahen1.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Helium-Neon Laser, 25 mW
Maximum Output at 632.8 nm (cl3bhen1.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Argon Ion Laser, 50 mW
Maximum Output at 488 nm (cl3barg1.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Argon Ion Laser, 100 mW
Maximum Output at 455-529 nm (multiline) (cl3barg2.gif).
- Class IIIb Danger Label - Diode Laser, 50 mW
Maximum Output at 670 nm (cl3bdio1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Carbon Dioxide Laser, 100 W
Maximum Output at 10.6 um (CW) (cl4co21.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Carbon Dioxide Laser, 1200 W
(CW); 1.2 J, 100 us (Pulsed) Maximum Output (cl4co22.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Diode Laser, 5 W Maximum
Output at 780-980 nm (cl4dio1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - DPSS Laser, 1 W Maximum
Output at 532 nm (cl4dio1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Excimer Laser, 1 J, 100 PPS
Maximum Output at 157-351 nm (cl4exc1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Krypton Ion Laser, 10 W
Maximum Output at 530-647 nm (multiline) (cl4kry1.gif).
- Class IV Danger Label - Nd:YAG Laser, 5 J, 20 PPS
Maximum Output at 1064 nm (cl4yag1.gif).
- Laser Aperture Caution Label (apert1.gif).
- High Voltage Danger Label - 15,000 VAC
- High Voltage Danger Label - 25,000 VDC
- Items of Interest (laserioi.htm).
- Laser Instruments and Applications
- Laser Experiments and Projects (laserexp.htm).
PART II - Print/Web Laser and Optics Resources, Laser and Parts Suppliers,
PART III - Lasers Based on Commercial Components - Diode, HeNe, Ion, CO2,
HeCd, SS